IHBC posts disciplinary procedure on-line

The Institute of Historic Building Conservation (IHBC) has posted its disciplinary procedure on-line.

Seán O’Reilly, IHBC director, said: “The IHBC has had a disciplinary procedure in place since 2003, when it went to our ruling Council.  However as we’d not had reason to test it in any depth, it had not been finalised, and so it was not given an especially high profile.  Since then we have substantially increased our profile and services across the built and historic environment sector.  Now it’s only right that we should promote this central aspect of our work, explaining in more detail our regulation of our members and, in that, our expectations of genuine conservation professionals.

Not only does the issue of professional conduct have a direct bearing on the sector, but it also underpins the standards that we promote through our on-line listing of historic and built environment conservation services, HESPR, the IHBC’s Historic Environment Service Providers Recognition scheme.  With the widening access to our disciplinary procedures, both clients and colleagues may more easily understand the processes we have in place for scrutinising and maintaining standards, as well as formally raise concerns where they think those standards have not been observed.”

For details see: LINK
For HESPR, the IHBC’s regulated business listing, see: www.ihbc.co.uk

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